Have you ever felt this way at work?


...Includes The Unconscious Wounded Career Path™️ and The Conscious Healing Career Path™️

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    That despite outstanding performance, you believe you are never good enough.

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    That when people are talking about you behind your back, it’s always negative?

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    That it is your job to please others at all costs to our personal happiness.

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    That it’s somehow your fault if something goes wrong…or it’s up to you to find a way to fix it.

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    That when your boss is in a bad mood, it’s probably your fault and you’re automatically in trouble.

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    That someone else’s harsh, unfair, negative judgment of you and your performance is more legitimate than your own opinion of your value.

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    That you don’t deserve to tell people what you need or want, especially if your requests inconvenience others.

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    That you’re the only one who is crazy and in pain…and that you better hide your true self from the people you see every day.

Great News!

Healing At Work is Now Available on Audible!

If you’re like me, you love to read. But you also love to listen. Especially on road trips, flights and early-morning treadmill sessions. (My co-author, Martha, actually loves to listen while she reads! “This technique keeps me focused and I retain more,” she says.)

Your time is precious. Why not fill those moments with life-changing wisdom from books that everyone is talking about?

Here’s some great news for you! Healing at Work is now available on Amazon’s Audible!

Have you ever felt this way at work?

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    That despite outstanding performance, you believe you are never good enough.

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    That when people are talking about you behind your back, it’s always negative?

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    That it is your job to please others at all costs to our personal happiness.

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    That it’s somehow your fault if something goes wrong…or it’s up to you to find a way to fix it.

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    That when your boss is in a bad mood, it’s probably your fault and you’re automatically in trouble.

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    That someone else’s harsh, unfair, negative judgment of you and your performance is more legitimate than your own opinion of your value.

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    That you don’t deserve to tell people what you need or want, especially if your requests inconvenience others.

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    That you’re the only one who is crazy and in pain…and that you better hide your true self from the people you see every day.


What people are saying about Healing at Work.


"From the very first examples, through sharing personal stories, to assimilating thoughtful research, and to offering useful tips and tools, this book captures my head and heart. It is not just for those who have had damaged pasts (ASDPs), but for everyone wanting to live up to their full potential. There are an abundance of many specific, actionable ideas that will have personal impact."

Dave Ulrich, PhD, Co-Author, The Why of Work: How Great Leaders Build Abundant Organizations that Win,
Rensis Likert Professor, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan Partner, The RBL Group


"I cried from the very first page. Not from sadness—although that was part of it—but from the discovery that I am not the only one going through life still affected by a past that I thought I put behind me. Those of us who have become leaders in the workplace, once you’ve learned what I now know from having read Healing at Work, you will deepen your understanding and compassion for your teams and yourself. What a blessing it is to discover that you're not alone in this. We’re literally all in this together."

Laurie Shakur, Head of People, Rakuten Advertising

Chicken Soup For the Soul Author, Jack Canfield, Loves It!

I hope you won’t mind if I brag just a little bit. This past summer, the paperback version of Healing at Work ended up in Jack Canfield’s hands. Oh my gosh! What would the master of all self-improvement thought leadership have to say about it? Was I nervous? Uhm. You bet!

The next thing I knew, I’m on a zoom call with him, doing an actual interview. And hearing his comments firsthand!

Take the thrill ride with me! Click the video to have a front-row seat on one of the most exciting feedback sessions of my life!

Play Video
HAW Chapter Cover

Want a Sneak Peek at Healing at Work?

Download a FREE sample chapter!

If you are an Adult Survivor of a Damaged Past (ASDP) you know these feelings very well.  And, even though you thought as a child, “When I grow up, everything is going to be different,” you discover that you have carried your sadnesses, anxieties, people-pleasing perfectionism, and self-protective/self-destructive habits to work with you. If you started life in an unstable home where parents or caregivers were neglectful, overbearing, addicted, harshly critical and perfectionistic, narcissistic or in many, many other ways unreliable, you bring damaging beliefs about yourself, people, and the world into adulthood. Long after you’ve left your childhood home to begin a life of your own. You thought it was all in the past. It’s not.

Why Bumper Cars?


As ASDPs, we’re commonly caught up in our own pain, fears, confusions, beliefs about others, and emotional struggles as we try to work with others. That challenge can be so all-consuming that, in our focus on ourselves, we overlook the possibility that our coworkers might be ASDPs too.

This can lead to what I call “bumper car moments,” when two damaged pasts collide with each other in the course of a normal day. Misunderstandings, trust issues, perceived betrayals, even the way your coworker glances at you or speaks to you, can trigger a conflict – a hard bump when you least expect it.

Bumper car moments can be upsetting and discouraging, especially when you accidentally collide with a colleague. Learn to see them for what they are – two damaged pasts bumping into each other in the present. Then you both will be able to resolve the conflict with trust and compassion.

As ASDPs ourselves, and career experts, we know what it’s like to be you.

And we believe that the workplace can be where you can heal. People commonly look at work as a place of health-threatening stresses. But we see it as the place where you can learn new skills, new ways of looking at the world and your place in it, new, positive ways to interact with others. Because of the gifts of the workplace, you can rewrite your life’s experiences as a positive, inspiring adventure.

Work is where you can learn to blossom. And then you can take those lessons home to inspire and heal your family for generations that reach deep into the future.

We wrote Healing at Work: The Adult Survivor’s Guide to Using Career Conflicts to Overcome Your Past and Build the Future You Deserve just for you.

The rest of your life is yours
Healing at Work will give you what you need to know to make it a life you love.

About the Authors

Susan Schmitt Winchester

Susan Schmitt Winchester is a corporate HR executive with over 30 years’ global experience helping thousands of people around the world realize their dreams and manifest their potential through the work they do. Currently, she’s the Chief HR Officer for a Silicon Valley Technology company based in the San Francisco Bay area.

Martha I. Finney

Martha I. Finney is executive editor and publisher at Leadership Directions Media and the author/co-author of 26 books specializing in leadership and career management. When she’s not writing out of her cottage in the Santa Fe desert, she’s driving to Florida so she can write there instead.