The Unconscious Wounded Career Path

When we are unaware of how much our dysfunctional childhoods are affecting us in our professional lives, resulting in regularly emotionally triggered experiences with others resulting in painful emotions.

  • This is when we are unaware of the connection between our childhood pasts and our professional selves in the workplace and how our past experiences deeply influence how we see ourselves at work- our beliefs about ourselves, beliefs and interpretations of others and our behavior patterns we employ to try and create a sense of safety/security are very much triggered responses mirroring fight (anger/bullies), flight – moving to a new role with a new boss or resigning from a company  hoping to find a better place, freeze – hiding, staying off the radar and fawn/people pleasing)
  • Constant need to prove self
  • On a hamster wheel - workaholic
  • Limiting self-beliefs fueling our interpretations of others
  • When in conflict with someone at work (A Bumper Car Moment), we often get emotionally triggered and are even surprised by how strong our emotions become.
  • Regularly experience painful emotions like sadness, anger, loneliness, anxiety, fear, stress
  • Using unhealthy habits to self-regulate these painful emotions by numbing out

The Conscious Healing Career Path

This is when we become aware and understand, that as ASDPs, our present-day professional experiences have been deeply shaped by unconscious beliefs we have held about ourselves for years (and decades) and outdated behavior patterns we relied on when we were little in our quest to create a sense of security.

  • This is an awakening. A deep understanding that our pasts do not need to continue to dictate how we feel about ourselves and others and show up in the workplace.
  • We become more self-aware and therefore more able to self-regulate in healthy ways. 
  • We spend less time emotionally triggered and stuck in painful emotions.
  • We learn ways to self-regulate that are healthy